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1   package org.wcb.plugins.beans;
3   import org.wcb.autohome.AutoHomeDaemonSession;
4   import org.wcb.autohome.exceptions.HomeException;
5   import org.wcb.autohome.implementations.X10Events;
6   import org.wcb.autohome.implementations.X10Module;
7   import org.wcb.autohome.interfaces.X10DeviceConstants;
8   import org.wcb.autohome.interfaces.IX10Events;
9   import org.wcb.autohome.interfaces.IX10Module;
11  import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
12  import java.util.Vector;
13  import java.util.Calendar;
14  import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
15  import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
16  import java.text.ParseException;
18  /***
19  * Copyright (C) 1999  Walter Bogaardt
20  *
21  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
22  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
23  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
24  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
25  *
26  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
27  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
29  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
30  *
31  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
32  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
33  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307
34  *
35  *   Project:   Home Automation Interface
36  *  Filename:  $Id:,v 1.8 2004/01/16 00:53:43 wbogaardt Exp $
37  *  Abstract:  Web bean for x10 jsp events and allow activating and deactivation of alice events..
38  *
39  * $Log:,v $
40  * Revision 1.8  2004/01/16 00:53:43  wbogaardt
41  * Fixed a very obscure bug with the Macro Panel that it didn't added new
42  * x10 devices to the drop down of available x10 device for the macro. Modified Macro triggers to change the events to integer verses strings cleaner this way.
43  *
44  * Revision 1.7  2004/01/15 21:05:20  wbogaardt
45  * major revamp of Modules and interfaces changes overall structure of how information is stored
46  *
47  * Revision 1.6  2003/12/18 18:05:05  wbogaardt
48  * fixed events controller bug. When session timed out it deleted all of the events. Fixed bug with refresh button kept adding new items rather than refreshing the line item.
49  *
50  * Revision 1.5  2003/12/17 23:34:57  wbogaardt
51  * fixed capturing of house code to pass it to upper case.
52  *
53  * Revision 1.4  2003/12/17 18:14:06  wbogaardt
54  * moved strings to static variables for both jsp and servlet
55  *
56  * Revision 1.3  2003/12/17 02:13:21  wbogaardt
57  * Initial phase of events controller works
58  *
59  * Revision 1.2  2003/12/16 23:03:09  wbogaardt
60  * added update and delete function to events controller and removed dead imports in module controller
61  *
62  * Revision 1.1  2003/12/16 22:09:23  wbogaardt
63  * new events controller for website
64  *
65   */
66  public class EventsController {
68      private Vector vEvents;
69      private SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("h:mm a");
70      public static String X10_MODULE = "x10Module";
71      public static String DESCRIPTION = "description";
72      public static String EVENT_ACTION = "eventAction";
73      public static String HH_MM = "time";
74      public static String AM_PM = "time_pm";
75      public static String MONDAY = "monday";
76      public static String TUESDAY = "tuesday";
77      public static String WEDNESDAY = "wednesday";
78      public static String THURSDAY = "thursday";
79      public static String FRIDAY = "friday";
80      public static String SATURDAY = "saturday";
81      public static String SUNDAY = "sunday";
82      public static String ACTION = "action";
83      public static String ADD_BUTTON = "add";
84      public static String REFRESH_BUTTON = "refresh";
85      public static String DELETE_BUTTON = "delete";
86      public static String RUN_BUTTON = "run";
87      public static String STOP_BUTTON = "stop";
88      public static String EVENT_ROW = "row";
91      public EventsController(){
92      }
94      /***
95       * Process request information when users do form submits
96       * based on this we will save the keys, save the file, read
97       * in a new directory's file or run the ANT
98       * build script.
99       * @param request servlet form post request.
100      */
101     public void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request) {
102         if(request.getMethod().equalsIgnoreCase("post"))
103         {
104             String action = request.getParameter(ACTION);
105             if(action!=null)
106             {
107                 String sX10Module = request.getParameter(X10_MODULE);
108 		        String sDescription = request.getParameter(DESCRIPTION);
109                 String sEventType = request.getParameter(EVENT_ACTION);
110                 String sTime = request.getParameter(HH_MM);
111                 String sAMPM = request.getParameter(AM_PM);
112                 boolean bMonday = this.getBooleanFromCheckBox(request.getParameter(MONDAY));
113                 boolean bTuesday = this.getBooleanFromCheckBox(request.getParameter(TUESDAY));
114                 boolean bWednesday = this.getBooleanFromCheckBox(request.getParameter(WEDNESDAY));
115                 boolean bThursday = this.getBooleanFromCheckBox(request.getParameter(THURSDAY));
116                 boolean bFriday = this.getBooleanFromCheckBox(request.getParameter(FRIDAY));
117                 boolean bSaturday = this.getBooleanFromCheckBox(request.getParameter(SATURDAY));
118                 boolean bSunday = this.getBooleanFromCheckBox(request.getParameter(SUNDAY));
119                 if(action.equalsIgnoreCase(ADD_BUTTON))
120                 {
121                     X10Events returnEvents = new X10Events();
122                     returnEvents.setDescription(sDescription);
123                     returnEvents.setMonday(bMonday);
124                     returnEvents.setTuesday(bTuesday);
125                     returnEvents.setWednesday(bWednesday);
126                     returnEvents.setThursday(bThursday);
127                     returnEvents.setFriday(bFriday);
128                     returnEvents.setSaturday(bSaturday);
129                     returnEvents.setSunday(bSunday);
130                     returnEvents.setDeviceModule(new X10Module(this.getHouseCode(sX10Module),this.getDeviceCode(sX10Module),"","",X10DeviceConstants.LAMP_MODULE_ON));
131                     //returnEvents.setHouseCode(this.getHouseCode(sX10Module));
132                     //returnEvents.setDeviceCode(this.getDeviceCode(sX10Module));
133                     returnEvents.setTime(this.getTime(sTime,sAMPM));
134                     returnEvents.setAction(sEventType);
135                     this.addEvent(returnEvents);
136                 }
137                 if(action.equalsIgnoreCase(REFRESH_BUTTON)){
138                     int iRow = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter(EVENT_ROW));
139                     X10Events returnEvents = new X10Events();
140                     returnEvents.setDescription(sDescription);
141                     returnEvents.setMonday(bMonday);
142                     returnEvents.setTuesday(bTuesday);
143                     returnEvents.setWednesday(bWednesday);
144                     returnEvents.setThursday(bThursday);
145                     returnEvents.setFriday(bFriday);
146                     returnEvents.setSaturday(bSaturday);
147                     returnEvents.setSunday(bSunday);
148                     returnEvents.setDeviceModule(new X10Module(this.getHouseCode(sX10Module),this.getDeviceCode(sX10Module),"","",X10DeviceConstants.LAMP_MODULE_ON));
149                     //returnEvents.setHouseCode(this.getHouseCode(sX10Module));
150                     //returnEvents.setDeviceCode(this.getDeviceCode(sX10Module));
151                     returnEvents.setTime(this.getTime(sTime,sAMPM));
152                     returnEvents.setAction(sEventType);
153                     this.refreshEvent(returnEvents, iRow);
154                 }
155                 if(action.equalsIgnoreCase(DELETE_BUTTON)){
156                     int iRow = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter(EVENT_ROW));
157                     this.deleteRow(iRow);
158                 }
159                 if(AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().isX10GatwayConnected())
160                 {
161                     if(action.equalsIgnoreCase(RUN_BUTTON))
162                     {
163                         AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().runEventsDaemon();
164                     } else if(action.equalsIgnoreCase(STOP_BUTTON))
165                     {
166                         AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().stopEventsDaemon();
167                     }
168                 }
169             }
170         }
171     }
173     /***
174      * Allows adding of new events to the list.
175      *
176      * @param xEvent X10Events object to be added to the vector
177      * @return success on saved file
178      */
179     private boolean addEvent(X10Events xEvent)
180     {
181         vEvents = AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().loadAllAliceEvents();
182         if(vEvents != null)
183         {
184             vEvents.add(xEvent);
185             AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().saveAllAliceEvents(vEvents);
186             return this.saveAllData();
187         }
188         else if (vEvents == null) {
189             vEvents = new Vector();
190             vEvents.addElement(xEvent);
191             AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().saveAllAliceEvents(vEvents);
192             return this.saveAllData();
193         }
194         return false;
195     }
197     /***
198      * This saves the alice events in a vector then persists this information
199      * to the servlet file. If it is a new event then it is simply appended.
200      * @param event Event to save in the vector.
201      * @param iRow row number in the vector to replace.
202      * @return  true indicates success in saving file.
203      */
204     private boolean refreshEvent(X10Events event, int iRow){
205         if(vEvents != null)
206         {
207             vEvents.setElementAt(event,iRow);
208             AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().saveAllAliceEvents(vEvents);
209             return this.saveAllData();
210         }
211         else if (vEvents == null) {
212             vEvents = new Vector();
213             vEvents.addElement(event);
214             AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().saveAllAliceEvents(vEvents);
215             return this.saveAllData();
216         }
217         return false;
218     }
220     /***
221      * Saves the data to the x10 file in the web application.
222      * @return true indicates successful saving file.
223      */
224     private boolean saveAllData()
225     {
226         try
227          {
228         AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().saveFile(AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().getServletPath()+System.getProperty("file.separator")+"x10default.x10");
229          }
230         catch(HomeException he)
231          {
232              System.err.println("Home exception "+he);
233              return false;
234          }
235         return true;
236     }
238     /***
239      * Takes the time in hh:mm format and the string of AM or PM
240      * and returns a calendar object.
241      * @param sTime string as in hh:mm
242      * @param sPM string either AM or PM
243      * @return calendar object of the parameter.
244      */
245     private Calendar getTime(String sTime, String sPM)
246     {
247         try {
248                 Calendar timestamp = new GregorianCalendar();
249                 String ampm = "AM";
250                 if(sPM.equalsIgnoreCase("AM"))
251                     ampm=" AM";
252                 else {
253                      ampm=" PM";
254                   }
255                 timestamp.setTime(sdf.parse(sTime+ampm));
256                 return timestamp;
257             } catch(ParseException pe){
258                 return new GregorianCalendar();//go with default time
259             }
260     }
261     /***
262      * This deletes the table row from the table model
263      * and then updates the Hash Table to set the
264      * Key value(ModuleID) to null;
265      * @param iRow row item in the vector to be deleted.
266      */
267     private void deleteRow(int iRow) {
268         vEvents.remove(iRow);
269         AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().saveAllAliceEvents(vEvents);
270     }
272     /***
273      * Returns a boolean value based on passed in servlet form request
274      * parameter.
275      * @param sValue Request parameter string
276      * @return true if html check box item was checked.
277      */
278     private boolean getBooleanFromCheckBox(String sValue)
279     {
280         if(sValue!=null && sValue.equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
281             return true;
282         return false;
283     }
285     /***
286      * This message lets the jsp know if the events
287      * daemon is running in the background. The appropriate
288      * message will be displayed if it is or is not running.
289      * @return Printable message
290      */
291     public String isDaemonRunningMessage(){
292         if(AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().isEventDaemonRunning())
293         {
294             return "Alice events are running!";
295         }
296         return "Alice events are not running";
297     }
298     /***
299      * This will return a vector of X10Event these
300      * can be cast to the IX10Event interface
301      * @return Vector of IX10Event objects
302      */
303     public Vector getAllEvents(){
304         vEvents = AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().loadAllAliceEvents();
305         if(vEvents!=null){
306             return vEvents;
307         }
308         vEvents=new Vector();
309         X10Events x10Event = new X10Events();
310         x10Event.setMonday(true);
311         x10Event.setDescription("Empty Event");
312         x10Event.setTime(new GregorianCalendar());
313         x10Event.setDeviceModule(new X10Module());
314         x10Event.setAction("on");
315         vEvents.addElement(x10Event);
316         return vEvents;
317     }
319     /***
320      * Gets a list of all the saved X10 modules.
321      * @return Vector of IX10Module
322      */
323     public Vector getAllX10Modules(){
324         Vector _returnVal = AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().loadAllX10Devices();
325         if(_returnVal!=null){
326             return _returnVal;
327         }
328         _returnVal=new Vector();
329         _returnVal.addElement(new X10Module());
330         return _returnVal;
331     }
333     /***
334      * Gets the Event action and returns it as a selected
335      * drop down. ONly dealing with on and off actions.
336      * @param iEvent
337      * @return HTML drop down of action
338      */
339     public String getEventAction(IX10Events iEvent)
340     {
341         StringBuffer sbReturn = new StringBuffer();
342         if(iEvent.getAction().equalsIgnoreCase("on"))
343         {
344              sbReturn.append("<option value=\"on\" selected>ON");
345              sbReturn.append("<option value=\"off\">OFF");
346         }
347         else
348         {
349              sbReturn.append("<option value=\"on\">ON");
350              sbReturn.append("<option value=\"off\" selected>OFF");
351         }
352         return sbReturn.toString();
353     }
355     /***
356      * Returns an HTML dropdown selection of the selected module for this event.
357      * @param iEvent
358      * @return HTML selection of the x10 module
359      */
360     public String getX10ModuleDropDown(IX10Events iEvent)
361     {
362         StringBuffer sbReturnValue = new StringBuffer();
363         Vector x10modules = this.getAllX10Modules();
364         int count = x10modules.size();
365           IX10Module x10;
366           String selected = "selected";
367         IX10Module iEventModule = iEvent.getModule();
368           for(int i=0;i<count;i++){
369              x10 = (IX10Module)x10modules.elementAt(i);
370              if((iEventModule.getFullDeviceCode()).equalsIgnoreCase(x10.getFullDeviceCode()))
371              {
372                 selected = "selected";
373              }
374              else
375              {
376                 selected = "";
377              }
378              sbReturnValue.append("<option value="+x10.getFullDeviceCode()+" ");
379              sbReturnValue.append(selected+">"+x10.getFullDeviceCode());
380           }
381         return sbReturnValue.toString();
382     }
384     /***
385      * Allows display of time in html page. The time is
386      * a 12 hour format so it should return as HH:mm
387      * @param iEvent
388      * @return HH:mm time format
389      */
390     public String getX10EventTimeHTML(IX10Events iEvent)
391     {
392         StringBuffer sbReturn = new StringBuffer();
393         sbReturn.append(iEvent.getTime().get(Calendar.HOUR) + ":");
394         sbReturn.append(iEvent.getTime().get(Calendar.MINUTE));
395         return sbReturn.toString();
396     }
398     /***
399      * Gets the time and returns a drop down box
400      * with am or pm selected. This is for the modify
401      * existing event on a page.
402      * @param iEvent
403      * @return html selection options of AM and PM
404      */
405     public String getX10EventTimeAMPMhtml(IX10Events iEvent)
406     {
407         StringBuffer sbReturn = new StringBuffer();
408          if(iEvent.getTime().get(Calendar.AM_PM) == 0)
409         {
410             sbReturn.append("<option value=am selected>AM");
411 	        sbReturn.append("<option value=pm>PM");
412          }
413         else
414          {
415             sbReturn.append("<option value=am>AM");
416 	        sbReturn.append("<option value=pm selected>PM");
417          }
418         return sbReturn.toString();
419     }
421      /***
422      * Gets the first position in the DeviceID text field
423      * and returns a Upper Case Character value.
424      */
425     private char getHouseCode(String sDeviceID)
426     {
427         char cReturnValue='A';
428         try
429         {
430             cReturnValue = sDeviceID.toUpperCase().charAt(0);
431         }
432         catch(Exception err)
433         {
434             cReturnValue = 'A';
435         }
436         return cReturnValue;
437     }
439     /***
440      * Gets the last positions in the DeviceID text field
441      * and returns an integer value.  If the entered integers
442      * are greater than 16 then 16 is returned;
443      */
444     private int getDeviceCode(String sDeviceID)
445     {
446         int returnValue = 0;
447         try
448         {
449             returnValue = Integer.parseInt(sDeviceID.substring(1));
450         }
451         catch(Exception err)
452         {
453                   returnValue = 1;
454         }
455         if (returnValue >16)
456         {
457             //invalude digit
458             returnValue = 16;
459         }
460         return returnValue;
461     }
462 }