1   package org.wcb.plugins.beans;
3   import org.wcb.autohome.AutoHomeDaemonSession;
4   import org.wcb.autohome.implementations.SerialPortBean;
5   import org.wcb.autohome.interfaces.X10DeviceConstants;
6   import org.wcb.autohome.exceptions.HomeException;
8   import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
9   import java.util.Vector;
10  import java.util.Enumeration;
12  /*
13  * Copyright (C) 1999  Walter Bogaardt
14  *
15  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
16  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
17  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
18  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
19  *
20  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
21  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
23  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
24  *
25  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
26  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
27  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307
28  *
29  *   Project:   Home Automation Interface
30  *  Filename:  $Id: SerialPortController.java,v 1.6 2004/02/03 21:02:27 wbogaardt Exp $
31  *  Abstract:  Web bean for x10 jsp serial.jsp.
32  *
33  * $Log: SerialPortController.java,v $
34  * Revision 1.6  2004/02/03 21:02:27  wbogaardt
35  * moved DeviceFactory away from rmi creation and simplified interface between gateway
36  *
37  * Revision 1.5  2004/02/03 00:36:41  wbogaardt
38  * added files
39  *
40  * Revision 1.4  2004/01/14 01:05:54  wbogaardt
41  * added better description to firecracker
42  *
43  * Revision 1.3  2004/01/13 01:59:16  wbogaardt
44  * changed status message to blank
45  *
46  * Revision 1.2  2003/12/12 23:17:36  wbogaardt
47  * javadoc comments refactored methods so they are more descriptive
48  *
49  * Revision 1.1  2003/12/10 19:24:42  wbogaardt
50  * Added new serial port controller bean and modified X10Webcomponent
51  *
52  */
53  public class SerialPortController {
55      private String sStatus;
57      public String getStatusMessage(){
58          return sStatus;
59      }
61      /***
62       * This will return a vector of available serial ports.
63       * @return Vector string list of avaliable serial ports
64       */
65      public Vector getSerialPorts(){
66          Vector _returnVal = AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().getAvailablePorts();
67          if(_returnVal!=null){
68              return _returnVal;
69          }
70          return _returnVal;
71      }
73      /***
74       * Returns the string name of the saved serial port
75       * @return String name of saved serial port.
76       */
77      public String getSavedSerialPort(){
78          return AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().getSerialPort().getPort();
79      }
81      /***
82       * If the serial port is active then return a printable string
83       * indicating connected. Otherwise, return a printable string disconnected.
84       *
85       * @return String from boolean indicating "Connected" or "Disconnected";
86       */
87      public String getIsPortConnected(){
88          if(AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().isX10GatwayConnected())
89              return "Connected";
90          else
91              return "Disconnected";
92      }
94      /***
95       * Gets the current saved serial port baud rate
96       * @return Saved baud rate or defaults to 9600
97       */
98      public int getBaudRate(){
99          return AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().getSerialPort().getBaud();
100     }
102     /***
103      * Gets the current saved data bit rate of the serial port.
104      * @return Saved data bit rate for serial port or default of 8
105      */
106     public int getDataBitRate(){
107         return AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().getSerialPort().getDataBit();
108     }
110     /***
111      * Gets the current saved stop bit rate of the serial port.
112      * @return Saved stop bit rate of serial port or default of 1
113      */
114     public int getStopBitRate(){
115         return AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().getSerialPort().getStopBit();
116     }
118     /***
119      * Gets the current saved parity of the serial port. The string
120      * return can be Odd, Even, or None.
121      * @return  Saved partiy for serial port of defaults to "None"
122      */
123     public String getParity(){
124         String _returnString = AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().getSerialPort().getParity();
125         if(_returnString==null)
126             return "None";
127         return _returnString;
128     }
130     /***
131      * This takes returns an html representation of a combo
132      * drop down box with the selected serial port
133      *
134      * @return a string of serial ports with html tags in place for select drop down
135      */
136     public String getSelectedSerialPortHTML()
137     {
138         Enumeration eSerial = this.getSerialPorts().elements();
139         String sSelected = this.getSavedSerialPort();
140         String sIsSelected = "";
141         StringBuffer returnBuffer = new StringBuffer();
142         while(eSerial.hasMoreElements()){
143             String value = (String)eSerial.nextElement();
144             if(value.equalsIgnoreCase(sSelected))
145                 sIsSelected="selected";
146             else
147                 sIsSelected="";
148             returnBuffer.append("<option value="+value+" "+sIsSelected+">"+value);
149         }
150         return returnBuffer.toString();
151     }
153     /***
154      * This returns an html dropdown of options of diffent x10 devices.
155      * @return String with select drop down of X10 gateway devices
156      */
157     public String getHTMLX10Device()
158     {
159         StringBuffer returnBuffer = new StringBuffer();
160         if(AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().getX10GatewayType() == X10DeviceConstants.CM11A_TRANSMITTER)
161         {
162             returnBuffer.append("<option value="+X10DeviceConstants.CM11A_TRANSMITTER+" selected>CM11A");
163             returnBuffer.append("<option value="+X10DeviceConstants.CM17A_TRANSMITTER+">CM17A \"Firecracker\"");
164         }
165         else
166         {
167             returnBuffer.append("<option value="+X10DeviceConstants.CM11A_TRANSMITTER+">CM11A");
168             returnBuffer.append("<option value="+X10DeviceConstants.CM17A_TRANSMITTER+" selected>CM17A");
169         }
170         return returnBuffer.toString();
171     }
173     /***
174      * Process request information when users do form submits
175      * based on this we will save the keys, save the file, read
176      * in a new directory's build.properties file or run the ANT
177      * build script.
178      * @param request Http servlet request from form post call.
179      */
180     public void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request) {
181         sStatus = "";
182         if(request.getParameter("x10File")!=null)
183             loadNewFile(request.getParameter("x10File"));
184         if(request.getMethod().equalsIgnoreCase("post")){
185             String action = request.getParameter("action");
186             String sSerialName = request.getParameter("serial");
187             int iBaud = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("baud_rate"));
188             int iStop = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("stop_bit"));
189             int iDataBit= Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("data_bit"));
190             int iInterfaceType = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("x10device"));
191             String sParity = request.getParameter("parity");
192             if(action!=null){
193                 if(action.equalsIgnoreCase("connect"))
194                 {
195                     this.saveParameters(iInterfaceType,sSerialName,iBaud,iStop,iDataBit,sParity);
196                     try
197                     {
198                         AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().connectPortToDevice(iInterfaceType);
199                     }
200                     catch(HomeException he)
201                     {
202                         sStatus = "Problem - "+he;
203                     }
204                 }
205                 if(action.equalsIgnoreCase("disconnect"))
206                 {
207                     try{
208                         AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().closeSerialPort();
209                     }
210                     catch(HomeException he)
211                     {
212                         sStatus = "Problem - "+he;
213                     }
214                 }
215             }
216         }
217     }
219     /***
220      * This saves the settings that were submitted to the servlet through the user reqest.
221      * @param iX10Device
222      * @param sSerialName
223      * @param iBaud
224      * @param iStop
225      * @param iData
226      * @param sParity
227      */
228     private void saveParameters(int iX10Device, String sSerialName, int iBaud, int iStop, int iData, String sParity)
229     {
230         AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().setInterfaceType(iX10Device);
231         SerialPortBean serialBean = new SerialPortBean(sSerialName);
232         serialBean.setBaud(iBaud);
233         serialBean.setStopBit(iStop);
234         serialBean.setDataBit(iData);
235         serialBean.setParity(sParity);
236         AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().setSerialPort(serialBean);
237         AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().saveServerFile();
238     }
240     private void loadNewFile(String filename){
241         AutoHomeDaemonSession.getInstance().loadX10File(filename);
242     }
243 }