1   package org.wcb.common.component;
3   import org.wcb.common.*;
4   import org.wcb.util.TableSorter;
6   import javax.swing.*;
7   import java.awt.*;
8   import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
9   import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
10  import java.util.Vector;
11  import java.util.Enumeration;
14  /***
15   * Copyright (C) 1999  Walter Bogaardt
16   *
17   * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
18   * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
19   * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
20   * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
21   *
22   * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
23   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
25   * Lesser General Public License for more details.
26   *
27   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
28   * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
29   * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307
30   *
31   * Project: Alice X10 Home Automation
32   * Filename:  $Id: ColorEditorPanel.java,v 1.3 2004/07/22 03:06:50 wbogaardt Exp $<BR>
33   * Abstract: Used to display Color edititing of all swing colors.
34   *
35   * $Log: ColorEditorPanel.java,v $
36   * Revision 1.3  2004/07/22 03:06:50  wbogaardt
37   * removed deprecated method calls.
38   *
39   * Revision 1.2  2004/01/31 07:40:26  wbogaardt
40   * modified layout managers for the panel so that it uses the java standard layoutsrather than the FormLayout api. The purpose is to reduce dependency on non-standard layout api.
41   *
42   */
43  public class ColorEditorPanel extends JPanel {
45       private ColorTableModel uiModel;
46      private Object uiColors[][];
47      private JTable colorTable;
49      public ColorEditorPanel()
50      {
51          this.setup();
52      }
54      public void saveUIColors(UIDefaultsLoader uiProperties)
55      {
56           /* set colors for components to swingProperties  */
57          for (int i = 0; i < uiModel.getRowCount(); i++) {
58              uiProperties.setProperty(uiModel.getValueAt(i, 0).toString(),
59                      this.getColorHexString( (Color)uiModel.getValueAt(i, 1) ));
60              UIManager.put(uiModel.getValueAt(i, 0), uiModel.getValueAt(i, 1));
61          }
62      }
64      private void setup(){
65          Vector systemColors = this.buildSystemColors();
66          uiColors = this.convertToObjectArray(systemColors);
67          this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
68          uiModel = new ColorTableModel(uiColors);
69          TableSorter  sorter = new TableSorter(uiModel);
70          colorTable = new JTable(sorter);
71          sorter.addMouseListenerToHeaderInTable(colorTable);
72          JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(colorTable);
73          setUpColorRenderer(colorTable);
74          setUpColorEditor(colorTable);
75          this.add(new JLabel("Click on color to change."), BorderLayout.NORTH);
76          this.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
77      }
79       private void setUpColorRenderer(JTable table) {
80          table.setDefaultRenderer(Color.class, new ColorCellRender(true));
81      }
83       private void setUpColorEditor(JTable table) {
84          final JButton button = new JButton("") {
85              public void setText(String s) {
86              }
87          };
88          button.setBackground(Color.white);
89          button.setBorderPainted(false);
90          button.setMargin(new Insets(0,0,0,0));
92          //Now create an editor to encapsulate the button, and
93          //set it up as the editor for all Color cells.
94          final ColorCellEditor colorEditor = new ColorCellEditor(button);
95          table.setDefaultEditor(Color.class, colorEditor);
97          //Set up the dialog that the button brings up.
98          final JColorChooser colorChooser = new JColorChooser();
99          ActionListener okListener = new ActionListener() {
100             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
101                 colorEditor.currentColor = colorChooser.getColor();
102             }
103         };
105         final JDialog dialog = JColorChooser.createDialog(button,
106                 "Pick a Color",
107                 true,
108                 colorChooser,
109                 okListener,
110                 null); //XXXDoublecheck this is OK
112         //Here's the code that brings up the dialog.
113         button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
114             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
115                 button.setBackground(colorEditor.currentColor);
116                 colorChooser.setColor(colorEditor.currentColor);
117                 dialog.setVisible(true);
118             }
119         });
120     }
122     private Vector buildSystemColors(){
123         UIDefaults uidef = UIManager.getDefaults();
124         Enumeration keys = uidef.keys();
125         Vector returnValue = new Vector();
126         Vector nextRow;
127         String nextKey;
128         Color systemValue;
129         while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
130             nextKey = keys.nextElement().toString();
131             systemValue = uidef.getColor(nextKey);
132             if (systemValue != null) {
133                 nextRow = new Vector(2);
134                 nextRow.addElement(nextKey);
135                 nextRow.addElement(systemValue);
136                 returnValue.addElement(nextRow);
137             }
138         }
139         return returnValue;
140     }
142     private Object[][] convertToObjectArray(Vector systemValues){
143            Object[] sortArray = new Object[systemValues.size()];
144            systemValues.copyInto(sortArray);
145            Comparator asComparable = new Comparator() {
146                public boolean less(Object lhs, Object rhs)
147                {
148                    Vector left = (Vector)lhs;
149                    Vector right = (Vector)rhs;
150                    int compValue = (left.elementAt(0).toString()).compareTo(right.elementAt(0).toString());
151                    return
152                            (compValue < 0);
153                }
154            };
155            ArraySorter.sort(sortArray, asComparable);
156            int colorsLength = sortArray.length/2;
157            Object[][] returnValue = new Object[colorsLength][2];
158            Vector nextRow;
159            for (int i=0;i<colorsLength;i++) {
160                nextRow = (Vector)sortArray[i*2];
161                returnValue[i][0] = nextRow.elementAt(0);
162                returnValue[i][1] = nextRow.elementAt(1);
163            }
164            return returnValue;
165        }
167     /***
168      * changes the color information back to a hexadecimal
169      * string value to be saved in the properties
170      * file.
171      */
172     private String getColorHexString(Color c)
173     {
174         String returnValue=null;
175         String colString = Integer.toHexString(c.getRGB() & 0xffffff);
176         returnValue="#000000".substring(0,7 - colString.length()).concat(colString);
177         return "Color."+returnValue;
178     }
180 }