1   package org.wcb.autohome.interfaces;
3   /***
4    * Copyright (C) 1999  Walter Bogaardt
5    *
6    * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7    * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8    * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9    * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10   *
11   * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14   * Lesser General Public License for more details.
15   *
16   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17   * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
18   * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307
19   *
20   * Project: Alice X10 Home Automation
21   *Filename:    $Id: I18nConstants.java,v 1.11 2004/02/06 23:27:13 wbogaardt Exp $
22   *<pre>
23   *Abstract: This file contains most of the global variables that are used throught
24   *          this application.  It helps make this code base more maintainable.
25   *</pre>
26   *@author wbogaardt
27   *@version 1.0
28   */
29  public interface I18nConstants {
31      public static String DEVICE_PANEL = "device.panel";
32      public static String EVENTS_PANEL = "events.panel";
33      public static String MONITOR_PANEL = "monitor.panel";
34      public static String MACRO_PANEL = "macro.panel";
35      public static String SERIAL_PANEL = "serial.panel";
36      public static String GENERAL_PANEL = "general.panel";
37      public static String COLOR_PANEL = "color.panel";
38      public static String FONT_PANEL = "font.panel";
39      public static String EMAIL_PANEL = "email.panel";
40      public static String TRIGGER_PANEL = "trigger.panel";
41      public static String SAVE_BUTTON = "save.button";
42      public static String OPEN_BUTTON = "open.button";
43      public static String PRINT_BUTTON = "print.button";
44      public static String CONFIGURE_BUTTON = "configure.button";
45      public static String ADD_BUTTON = "add.button";
46      public static String UPDATE_BUTTON = "update.button";
47      public static String DELETE_BUTTON = "delete.button";
48      public static String HELP_BUTTON = "help.button";
49      public static String SUN_BUTTON = "sunday.button";
50      public static String MON_BUTTON = "monday.button";
51      public static String TUE_BUTTON = "tuesday.button";
52      public static String WED_BUTTON = "wednesday.button";
53      public static String THU_BUTTON = "thursday.button";
54      public static String FRI_BUTTON = "friday.button";
55      public static String SAT_BUTTON = "saturday.button";
56      public static String RUN_BUTTON = "run.button";
57      public static String NEW_MACRO_BUTTON = "new.macro.button";
58      public static String DELETE_MACRO_BUTTON = "delete.macro.button";
59      public static String SEND_MACRO_BUTTON = "send.macro.button";
60      public static String CONNECT_BUTTON = "connect.button";
61      public static String DISCONNECT_BUTTON = "disconnect.button";
62      public static String CANCEL_BUTTON = "cancel.button";
63      public static String RESET_BUTTON = "reset.button";
64      public static String FIND_BUTTON = "find.button";
65      public static String OK_BUTTON = "ok.button";
66      public static String CLOSE_BUTTON = "close.button";
68      public static String SUCCSEFUL = "successful";
70      public static String FILE_MENU = "file.menu";
71      public static String OPEN_MENU = "open.menu";
72      public static String SAVE_MENU = "save.menu";
73      public static String SAVEAS_MENU = "saveas.menu";
74      public static String NEW_MENU = "new.menu";
75      public static String EXIT_MENU = "exit.menu";
76      public static String OPTION_MENU = "options.menu";
77      public static String CM11A_MENU = "cm11a.menu";
78      public static String GLOBAL_MENU = "global.menu";
79      public static String ALL_LIGHTS_ON_MENU = "lights.on.menu";
80      public static String ALL_LIGHTS_OFF_MENU = "lights.off.menu";
81      public static String ALL_OFF_MENU = "all.off.menu";
82      public static String CLEAR_TIMER_MENU = "clear.timer.menu";
83      public static String CLEAR_EVENT_MENU = "clear.event.menu";
84      public static String CLEAR_ALL_MENU = "clear.all.menu";
85      public static String MONITOR_MENU = "monitor.menu";
86      public static String NO_MONITOR_MENU = "no.monitor.menu";
87      public static String HELP_MENU = "help.menu";
88      public static String ABOUT_MENU = "about.menu";
89      public static String CONTENT_MENU = "content.menu";
90      public static String SEARCH_MENU = "search.menu";
91      public static String DELETE_MENU = "delete.menu";
92      public static String ON_MENU = "on.menu";
93      public static String OFF_MENU = "off.menu";
94      public static String HOUSE_MENU = "house.menu";
96      public static String DEVICE_COLUMN = "device.column";
97      public static String MODULE_ID_COLUMN = "x10module.column";
98      public static String DESCRIPTION_COLUMN = "description.column";
99      public static String ACTION_COLUMN = "action.column";
100     public static String WEEKDAY_COLUMN = "weekdays.column";
101     public static String START_COLUMN = "starttime.column";
102     public static String TRIGGER_COLUMN = "trigger.column";
103     public static String INITIATOR_COLUMN = "initiator.column";
104     public static String EVENT_COLUMN = "event.column";
105     public static String MACRO_COLUMN = "macro.column";
107     public static String EVENTS_LABEL = "events.label";
108     public static String EVENTS_TOTAL_LABEL = "events.total.label";
109     public static String INSTALLED_MODULES_LABEL = "installed.modules.label";
110     public static String SERIAL_PORT_TITLE_LABEL = "serialport.title.label";
111     public static String INTERFACE_TYPE_LABEL = "interfacetype.label";
112     public static String MACRO_TITLE_LABEL = "macro.title.label";
113     public static String CURRENT_MACRO_LABEL = "current.macro.label";
114     public static String WAIT_LABEL = "wait.label";
115     public static String MACRO_DETAIL_LABEL = "macrodetail.title.label";
116     public static String COMMAND_LABEL = "command.label";
117     public static String TIME_DELAY_LABEL = "time.delay.label";
118     public static String DESCRIPTION_LABEL = "description.label";
119     public static String TIME_LABEL = "time.label";
120     public static String ACTION_LABEL = "action.label";
121     public static String WEEKDAY_LABEL = "weekday.label";
122     public static String LIGHT_LABEL = "light.label";
123     public static String SEND_MACRO_LABEL = "send.macro.label";
124     public static String MACRO_INIT_TITLE_LABEL = "macroinit.title.label";
125     public static String TRIGGER_LABEL = "trigger.label";
126     public static String START_MACRO_LABEL = "start.macro.label";
127     public static String STOP_MACRO_LABEL = "stop.macro.label";
128     public static String START_LABEL = "start.label";
129     public static String STOP_LABEL = "stop.label";
130     public static String DETAIL_LABEL = "detail.label";
131     public static String CLOCK_LABEL = "clock.label";
132 }