1   package org.wcb.autohome.implementations;
2   /***
3    * Copyright (C) 1999  Walter Bogaardt
4    *
5    * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6    * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7    * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8    * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9    *
10   * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13   * Lesser General Public License for more details.
14   *
15   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16   * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17   * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307
18   *
19   * Project:  Alice X10 Home Automation
20   */
21  import java.io.Serializable;
22  import java.util.Calendar;
24  import org.wcb.autohome.interfaces.X10DeviceConstants;
25  import org.wcb.autohome.interfaces.IX10Module;
26  import org.wcb.autohome.interfaces.IX10Events;
28  /***
29   *Filename:    $Id: X10Events.java,v 1.7 2004/02/28 00:21:49 wbogaardt Exp $
30   *
31   *Abstract: This is the events to take place when we are running the EventsDaemon
32   *          It is also a type a wrapper or solution to the CM17A not being able
33   *          to execute macros and in part run a set a programed timed events.
34   *          These events are only associated on the Events Panel and should not be
35   *          confused with the MacroEvent module which is for CM11A uploading of macro
36   *          information.
37   *
38   * $Log: X10Events.java,v $
39   * Revision 1.7  2004/02/28 00:21:49  wbogaardt
40   * fixed formating to be compliant with sun coding convention
41   *
42   * Revision 1.6  2004/02/24 23:16:19  wbogaardt
43   * fixed formating to be compliant with checkstyles
44   *
45   * Revision 1.5  2004/01/16 00:53:43  wbogaardt
46   * Fixed a very obscure bug with the Macro Panel that it didn't added new
47   * x10 devices to the drop down of available x10 device for the macro. Modified Macro triggers to change the events to
48   * integer verses strings cleaner this way.
49   *
50   * Revision 1.4  2004/01/15 21:05:20  wbogaardt
51   * major revamp of Modules and interfaces changes overall structure of how information is stored
52   *
53   * Revision 1.3  2003/12/12 23:17:36  wbogaardt
54   * javadoc comments refactored methods so they are more descriptive
55   *
56   * Revision 1.2  2003/10/10 18:39:12  wbogaardt
57   * changed date time information from a string to a calendar object
58   *
59   *
60   *@author wbogaardt
61   *@version 1.1
62   */
63  public class X10Events implements org.wcb.autohome.interfaces.IX10Events, Serializable, X10DeviceConstants {
65      // public data
66      private String description;   // brief description
67      private String eventAction;   // action to take place on/off/dim/bright
68      private boolean sunday = false; //excute event on sunday
69      private boolean monday = false; //execute event on monday
70      private boolean tuesday = false; // execute event on tuesday
71      private boolean wednesday = false; //execute event on wednesday
72      private boolean thursday = false; //execute event on thursday
73      private boolean friday = false; //execute event on friday
74      private boolean saturday = false; //execute event on saturday
75      private Calendar datetime;
76      private IX10Module module;
78      /***
79       * This creates the X10Event with the bar minimum parameters to make
80       * a functional event.
81       *
82       * @param iModule X10 Module for the event
83       * @param desc Description of the event
84       * @param act string action of the event
85       * @param time  time to execute the event.
86       */
87      public X10Events(IX10Module iModule, String desc, String act, Calendar time) {
88          // initialize from args
89          this.module = iModule;
90          this.description   = new String(desc);
91          this.eventAction   = new String(act);
92          this.datetime     =  time;
93      }
95      /***
96       * Default constructor
97       */
98      public X10Events() {
99          this(new X10Module(), new String("NO DESCRIPTION"), "ON", Calendar.getInstance());
100     }
101     /***
102      * Cloning constructor
103      * @param newO Interface used to clone object
104      */
105     public X10Events(IX10Events newO) {
106         this(newO.getModule(), newO.getDescription(), newO.getAction(), newO.getTime());
107     }
109     /***
110      * method to allow printing to console some information.
111      */
112     public void print() {
113         System.out.println(module.getFullDeviceCode() + "\t" + description + "\t"
114                 + eventAction + "\t " + datetime.toString());
115     }
117     /* modifiers for the interface */
119     /***
120      * Set the x10 module device to this event
121      * @param imodule The module device that this event will fire action on.
122      */
123     public void setDeviceModule(IX10Module imodule) {
124         this.module = imodule;
125     }
127     /***
128      *User description for this event
129      *
130      *@param desc - description
131      */
132     public void setDescription(String desc) {
133         this.description = new String(desc);
134     }
135     /***
136      * actions to take when this event is scheduled for
137      * executing. This could be turning on or off devices
138      * or Brightening or diming lights.
139      * @param act - Value of action
140      */
141     public void setAction(String act) {
142         this.eventAction = new String(act);
143     }
145     /***
146      * Set the time of the event
147      * @param time Time to set the event to execute.
148      */
149     public void setTime(Calendar time) {
150         this.datetime = time;
151     }
153     /***
154      * Enable Sunday dates to execute event
155      * @param s enable/disable Sunday
156      */
157     public void setSunday(boolean s) {
158         this.sunday = s;
159     }
161     /***
162      * Enable Monday weekday to execute event
163      * @param m enable/disable Monday
164      */
165     public void setMonday(boolean m) {
166        this.monday = m;
167     }
169     /***
170      * Enable Tuesday weekday to execute event
171      * @param t enable/disable Tuesday
172      */
173     public void setTuesday(boolean t) {
174         this.tuesday = t;
175     }
177     /***
178      * Enable Wednesday weekday to execute event
179      * @param w enable/disable Wednesday
180      */
181     public void setWednesday(boolean w) {
182         this.wednesday = w;
183     }
185     /***
186      * Enable Thursday weekday to execute event
187      * @param t enable/disable Thursday
188      */
189     public void setThursday(boolean t) {
190         this.thursday = t;
191     }
193     /***
194      * Enable Friday weekday to execute event
195      * @param f enable/disable Friday
196      */
197     public void setFriday(boolean f) {
198         this.friday = f;
199     }
201     /***
202      * Enable Saturday weekday to execute event
203      * @param s enable/disable Saturday
204      */
205     public void setSaturday(boolean s) {
206         this.saturday = s;
207     }
209     /***
210      * Get the Enable/disable value of the event for Sunday
211      * @return true enable, false don't execute
212      */
213     public boolean getSunday() {
214         return this.sunday;
215     }
217     /***
218      * Get the Enable/disable value of the event for Monday
219      * @return true enable, false don't execute
220      */
221     public boolean getMonday() {
222         return this.monday;
223     }
225     /***
226      * Get the Enable/disable value of the event for Tuesday
227      * @return true enable, false don't execute
228      */
229     public boolean getTuesday() {
230         return this.tuesday;
231     }
233     /***
234      * Get the Enable/disable value of the event for Wednesday
235      * @return true enable, false don't execute
236      */
237     public boolean getWednesday() {
238         return this.wednesday;
239     }
241     /***
242      * Get the Enable/disable value of the event for Thursday
243      * @return true enable, false don't execute
244      */
245     public boolean getThursday() {
246         return this.thursday;
247     }
249     /***
250      * Get the Enable/disable value of the event for Friday
251      * @return true enable, false don't execute
252      */
253     public boolean getFriday() {
254         return this.friday;
255     }
257     /***
258      * Get the Enable/disable value of the event for Saturday
259      * @return true enable, false don't execute
260      */
261     public boolean getSaturday() {
262         return this.saturday;
263     }
265     /* accessors for the interface */
266     /***
267      * The X10 Module associated with this event
268      * @return X10module interface for the event
269      */
270     public IX10Module getModule() {
271         if (this.module == null)
272         {
273             this.module = new X10Module();
274         }
275         return module;
276     }
278     /***
279      * Gets the description of the event
280      * @return Defaults to NO DESCRIPTION
281      */
282     public String getDescription() {
283         if (description == null)
284         {
285             return "NO DESCRIPTION";
286         }
287         return description;
288     }
290     /***
291      * Get the action type for the event this is a string
292      * of on, off, dim, or brighten
293      * @return String of action to send to module.
294      */
295     public String getAction() {
296         return eventAction;
297     }
299     /***
300      * The time of day to execute the event
301      * @return Gregorian Calendar of time to execute.
302      */
303     public Calendar getTime() {
304         return datetime;
305     }
306 }