1   package org.wcb.autohome.implementations;
2   /***
3    * Copyright (C) 1999  Walter Bogaardt
4    *
5    * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6    * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7    * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8    * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9    *
10   * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13   * Lesser General Public License for more details.
14   *
15   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16   * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17   * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307
18   *
19   * Project:  Alice X10 Home Automation
20   */
21  import java.io.Serializable;
22  import org.wcb.autohome.interfaces.IMacro;
23  import java.util.Vector;
25  /***
26   *Filename:    $Id: Macro.java,v 1.3 2004/02/28 00:21:49 wbogaardt Exp $
27   * 
28   *Abstract: This class is a serialized place holder for a Macro object
29   *          it there for has elements that are needed for the IMacro interface
30   *          which is handled by the GUI.
31   *
32   * $Log: Macro.java,v $
33   * Revision 1.3  2004/02/28 00:21:49  wbogaardt
34   * fixed formating to be compliant with sun coding convention
35   *
36   * Revision 1.2  2003/10/10 21:39:07  wbogaardt
37   * modified macro triggers to use calendar in stead of strings
38   *
39   *
40   *@author wbogaardt
41   *@version 1.0
42   */
43  public class Macro implements IMacro, Serializable {
45      private String macroName;     // name for macro 
46      private String description;   // brief description
47      private int    delay;         // delay for macro in minutes
48      private Vector events;
50      /* full constructor */
51      /***
52       * Full constructor to allow building of the macro
53       * @param n Name of the macro
54       * @param desc brief description of the macro
55       * @param d Delay in minutes for the macro
56       * @param evt Vector of MacroEvent objects
57       */
58      public Macro(String n, String desc, int d, Vector evt) {
59  	// initialize from args
60  	macroName     = n;	
61  	description   = new String(desc);
62  	delay         = d;		
63  	events        = evt;
64      }
66      /***
67       * Default Constructor which automatically sets the
68       * macro name to Macro1
69       */
70      public Macro() {
71  	this("Macro1", new String("NO DESCRIPTION"), 1, new Vector());
72      }
74      /***
75       * Clone constructor using the interface
76       * @param newO The IMacro interface to clone this object.
77       */
78      public Macro(IMacro newO) {
79  	this(newO.getMacroName(), newO.getDescription(), newO.getDelay(), newO.getEvents());
80      }
82      /***
83       * Print routine for debugging
84       */
85      public void print() {
86  	System.out.println(macroName + "\t" + description + "\t" + delay);
87      }
89      /* modifiers for the interface */
91      /***
92       *The name of the macro this gets used to 
93       *assign a macro to a trigger.
94       *
95       *@param name - name of the macro
96       */
97      public void setMacroName(String name) {
98  	macroName = name;
99      } 
101     /***
102      *This is a description of from a users standpoint
103      *this description can be a phase used to describe
104      *the purpose of this macro.
105      *
106      *@param desc - string description of macro
107      */
108     public void setDescription(String desc) {
109 	description = new String(desc);
110     }
112     /***
113      *This is the delay in minutes from when the macro is executed.
114      *It is passed on to the macro events in the JessePeterson api.
115      *
116      * @param dly - delay in minutes
117      */
118     public void setDelay(int dly) {
119 	delay = dly;
120     }
122     /***
123      * This is a vector of Modules and their actions
124      * which are wraped in a X10Events object.  This object
125      * then is enumerated through so when the macro is run
126      * the modules and the associated action will run after the
127      * delay time has passed.
128      *
129      *@param ev - of objects related to X10Events
130      */
131     public void setEvents(Vector ev) {
132 	events = ev;
133     }
135     /* accessors for the interface */
137     /***
138      *Simple accessor for the name of the macro
139      *
140      *@return Macro's assigned name
141      */
142     public String getMacroName() {
143         return macroName;
144     }
146     /***
147      *Description of the macro for user reference only. The default
148      *value of this is NO DESCRIPTION.
149      *
150      *@return - User description of macro.
151      */
152     public String getDescription() {
153 	if (description.startsWith("") && description.length() < 1)
154     {
155 	    return "NO DESCRIPTION";
156     }
157 	return description;
158     }
160     /***
161      *Delay in minutes before macro starts executing.
162      *
163      *@return - minutes in int format.
164      */
165     public int getDelay() {
166         return delay;
167     }
169     /***
170      *The associated modules and their actions to take for
171      *the macro.  These objects are in a X10Events object.
172      *
173      *@return Vector - X10Events
174      */
175     public Vector getEvents() {
176         return events;
177     }
178 }